Impact Tracking & Transfer

Value Chain or Scope 3 emissions are often the largest source of corporate carbon footprints, representing c.75% of its emissions - rising to as much as 99% for some sectors. The lack of clarity on who can claim what, the limited traceability and the lack of accurate climate data are some of the key issues holding back Scope 3 action. 

We need scalable ways to take action - now.

SustainCERT has launched a pioneering solution to verify, track and claim value chain decarbonisation impact for the first time.

Enabled by a unique platform of software and services, this solution combines climate and environmental accounting expertise with industry leading technology. 

Key Features

Our solution provides the ability to credibly account and claim greenhouse gas (GHG) impact for interventions in the value chain. Additionally, it allows the transfer of impact between supply chain partners and other parties deemed eligible to claim. This means that outcomes from interventions – which are verified by SustainCERT’s experts - can be credibly co-claimed by more than one entity at different stages of the value chain (subject to criteria aligned to the principles of Scope 3 accounting).

Tracking & Transfer

Renewable Energy Land Use & Forestry Community Based Energy Efficiency Food & Agriculture Textile & Apparel Transport Value Chain Intervention


Verified climate impacts from value chain interventions are unitized for inclusion in corporate GHG inventory reporting.

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Verified impacts can be allocated to multiple players up and down a value chain and tracked to safeguard against double counting.

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Coming Soon


Verified impacts can be used by value chain players in their Scope 3 reporting to demonstrate progress towards their targets.

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Coming Soon

Become An Early Adopter

This solution enables corporates in a value chain to invest in the same decarbonization programme while ensuring their reporting is accurate, credible, and representative of on-the-ground impact – and that everyone is recognized for their efforts. This creates real incentives for co-investment and is a solution that supports scaling Scope 3 action.

Making scalable, credible climate action the new norm.

Tackling Value Chain Emissions

Get in touch to learn more about our innovative solution for accurate verification, tracking and co-claiming of Scope 3 emission reductions.