Value Chain Impact Verification

As part of a credible reduction strategy, companies are increasingly focusing on ‘interventions’ - projects, programmes, and business decisions that drive sustainability and reduce emissions in key areas of their value chain. And in a world where expectations around reporting Value Chain emissions are increasing, no company can risk going public with figures that might not stand up to scrutiny.

Tackling Corporates most pressing decarbonization needs

Getting clarity on the real change delivered on the ground is paramount and businesses can’t suddenly be expected to be climate data experts – this is the job of verifiers. We have the expertise and tools to confirm if value chain interventions are producing outputs that can be trusted.

The result of our work is an independent and clear feedback on the credibility of GHG outcomes, and on how companies can use the result of their interventions in the context of their sustainability and Scope 3 reporting.


Onboarding includes capacity building and discovery phases to help corporates get started on their Scope 3 journey.

Value Chain Intervention Verification

Validation and verification services for interventions, ensuring GHG emission reductions and removals are accurate and real.


A repository of verified Value Chain Interventions and their supporting documentation.

Tackling Value Chain Emissions

Get in touch to learn more about our innovative solution for accurate verification, tracking and co-claiming of Scope 3 emission reductions.